Sunday, August 3, 2008

Amusing...but not for weak stomachs!

Well, it's been a few days on the soy formula and so far I have to say I have a pretty happy little girl. She is less gassy and hardly ever spits up. Overall she seems to be in a better mood, although the nightly cry sessions are still the same. When I breastfeed she is fussy all the time and spits up about 5 times after every feeding. It really really makes me sad when I have to look at her eating out of the bottle. I've cried a few times. But I have to not be stubborn and do what is best for her.
Anyways, she finally pooped, I was so excited! So naturally I had to capture it. hee hee.



...enjoy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well at least she's not spitty anymore!!! And then you can get soem rest while someone else feeds her!!
and that's a lovely video, I can't wait until she's older and gets to see all this fun stuff!