Sunday, May 18, 2008

Week 35

So far so good. I gained a pound (150.4) and weirdly my measurements dropped...a lot. I had to do it several times over just to be sure. I lost inches (upper 39 mid 40 1/2 lower 40). I know she's making her way upside down now, so i guess it makes a difference in my measurements! I also know she's upside down because she got the hiccups last night for a solid few minutes. The jumps were in my lower abdomen. I've been feeling fine lately but not my best. My lower back is starting to get tense, it's hard to find a decent position when I sit anymore. You know, the typical pregnancy gripes! I also have a lot of nasal congestion. I have for quite sometime, I snore and snort when I laugh a lot!
We graduated from birthing class last Tuesday. I think I'm prepared. Heh. The final class we learned about c sections....gross! I had to watch one. It was not pretty.

Just for the record, I got about 5 comments from strangers yesterday that there is no way I am going to last a month. Anyone want to start a pool for my real due date??


Chris Brown said...

Damn baby you look hot!

Sarah said...

Wow! You look great. I too don't think you will last another month, I give you about 3 weeks tops, but really she is the one to decided that! Do you guys have a confirmed name for the little princess yet? I have something in the works and having that information would definitely help! Glad to see you are very brave with your pictures...Kudos to you. Give Chris a big hug for us.

Anonymous said...

You are much braver than I was! Don't think I could stand to have pics of me then... although I was huge, especially with Joel. With him and Elisabeth, everyone told me "any day" even before they dropped down. And then they finally dropped and I was still induced a month later with both. So, don't worry about it! You look so cute prego though! Can't wait to meet her...

Anonymous said...

Again I am saying, no way a month. But that's just me, everyone sees differently:)

Anonymous said...

WOW sweetie you look great. I wish I could be there. Well I think 3 weeks you even look like you have dropped. But I hope she can wait the month so mom and mish can be there. Love ya Give Chris a hug for me.
Mary xoxoxo